Personal Statement: Top 10 Rules and Pitfalls Writing the Personal Statement: Top 10 Rules 1. Strive for depth rather than breadth.Narrow focus to one or two key themes, ideas or experiences 2. Try to tell the reader something thatno other applicant will be able to say 3. Provide the reader with insight intowhat drives you 4. Be yourself, not the 'ideal' applicant 5. Get creative and imaginative in theopening remarks, but make sure it's something that no one else could write 6. Address the school's unique featuresthat interest you 7. Focus on the affirmative in thepersonal statement; consider an addendum to explain deficiencies or blemishes 8. Evaluate experiences, rather thandescribe them 9. Proofread carefully for grammar,syntax, punctuation, word usage, and style 10. Use readable fonts, typeface, andconventional spacing and margins
Writing the Personal Statement: Top 10 Pitfalls 1. Do not submit an expository resume;avoid repeating information found elsewhere on the application 2. Do not complain or whine about the"system" or circumstances in your life 3. Do not preach to your reader. You canexpress opinions, but do not come across as fanatical or extreme 4. Do not talk about money as a motivator 5. Do not discuss your minority status ordisadvantaged background unless you have a compelling and unique story thatrelates to it 6. Do not remind the school of itsrankings or tell them how good they are 7. Do not use boring clichéd intros orconclusions a) "Allow me to introduce myself. Myname is..." b) "This question asks me todiscuss..." c) "I would like to thank theadmissions committee for considering my application." d) "It is my sincere hope that youwill grant me the opportunity to attend your fine school." e) "In sum, there are three reasonswhy you should admit me..." 8. Do not use unconventional and gimmickyformats and packages 9. Do not submit supplemental materialsunless they are requested 10. Do not get the name of the schoolwrong 11. Do not incorporate technical languageor very uncommon words