Dear Dr. xxx,
I've received the rejection letter from the department. I know many factors contribute to the admission decesion. Could you give me some feedbacks on which parts I'm mostly lacking of (e.g. GRE, research experience, fitness of our research interest), so that I could make more effort to improve if I reapply?
Here's some of my basic info:
M.A. Educational Psychology, UT-Austin
B.Sc. Applied Psychology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
GRE: 540+740
My resume and statement of purpose are attached.
Thank you for your advice!
-------------------第1封 Cognitive Psy at Pittsburgh (有点偏教育) ----------------------
Hi Jingjie,
Thanks for the email. As you know, many factors play a role in making a decision for fit for a graduate program.
In the case of the fit of your application for my lab; relative to some other applications yours didn't have as close as a match to current research interest in the lab (specific topics in transfer and motivation), prior research experience investigating these topics, and evidence of strong technical writing skills (papers, etc.). Your GRE quantitative scores are great and aspects of the research fit are generally good (general interest of cognition, transfer, and motivation) but could be closer. Hopefully this helps.
-Tim Nokes
-------------------第2封 也是 Cognitive Psy at Pittsburgh (有点偏教育) ----------------------
I can't speak for others, but fit is the biggest issue in my case. My lab is now very large and I can only take new students currently that fit into very specific opening in my projects. We typically have a large number of applicants, many of which have a good background, GREs, GPA, and letters. So, fit is what ends up influencing the final selection.
As general feedback, fit in interests is the main thing to highlight in your research letter. Everything else is a little bit of a distraction.
-------------------第3封 Engineering Psy at Georgia Tech------------------------------
Hi Jingjie,
I don't know that you were necessarily lacking anything. Of the students who indicated a primary interest in working with me, I rank ordered them based on their transcripts, GREs, letters of recommendation, and my sense of how well their interests matched mine. I accepted the top two students using those criteria.
-------------------第4封 Cognitive Science at IUB------------------------------
Hi Jingjie,
Phd programs in psychology tend to favor applications who match with a specific advisor. We don't admit many very qualified students unless there is a clear
person for them to work with (since it is a research-intensive program). It seems like in your application, you might be most interested in working with me. However, I wasn't accepting new students this year, so that wasn't a possibility. As a general comment, while I work at the intersection of the "learning sciences" (and have interest in educational applications), I tend to favor applications with an engineering or computer science background. Your background in Ed. Psych isn't traditional for my lab (which focused on computational modeling and quantitative methods, and increasingly brain science/fMRI). It seems like you might be better off working in a cognitive/psychology research lab for a bit after your MA to gain the experience necessary to decide if a psych Phd is really want you want to do. We typically view research experience in the field as a very important part of an application.
Hope this helps!
从几位教授的口吻,我们可以看出,match with their current research interest,以及有比较relevant的研究经历,是比较重要的。因为他们说好了,到最后,晒下来的人,GRE、GPA都不错,所以就看你的研究经历了。