

[招生] 【内部信息】2014 欧洲心理学硕博项目招生信息

申请互助 申请互助 764 人阅读 | 0 人回复 | 2014-03-04


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发件人: "COPSY";
发送时间: 2014年3月4日(星期二) 凌晨1:20
主题: 【欧洲】心理学硕博项目职位信息

12石头@UKE.de  今天 01:20

14待定@渚薰  3月1日 10:56
请问"occupation rate"是啥意思呀?以前也看到过,一直没搞懂……
这句里写的:“Occupation rate: One position, 100%, the otherposition,80%.”
12石头@UKE.de  2月28日 20:28

1 PhD Position (TV-L E13, 65%) In the interdisciplinary ResearchTraining Group (RTG) 1808 “Ambiguity: Production and Perception”,Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Starting on: 01.06.2014
Application deadline: 15.04.2014


12石头@UKE.de  2月28日 17:26

PhD position (65%) in cognitive neuroscience of Decision Making (Giessen, Germany)

The Biological Psychology group at the Department of Psychology andSports Science invites applications for a PhD position in cognitiveneuroscience. The position is availablefrom 1 May,2014(startingdate is flexible) through 30 April,2016 andis funded by the DFG project grant *Modulation of value-baseddecision making by novelty*. In agreement with current regulations,the position is on the TV-H E13 scale (65%) for publicemployees.

The project will investigate the influence of contextual novelty ondecision-making using fMRI. The department offers an on-siteresearch-dedicated 3T MRI scanner. The successful candidate willcollect and analyze fMRI data using computational models ofdecision-making, present the results at scientific conferences andwrite scientific papers.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a Master'sdegree (or equivalent) in neuroscience, psychology, biology or arelated field and with a strong interest in cognitive neuroscienceand the ability to work independently. We expect programming skillsand proficiency in English; prior experience in computationalneuroscience and experience with fMRI are ofadvantage.

The Justus Liebig University, Giessen seeks to support women inscientific research. Therefore we strongly encourage women to applyfor the available position. As a family friendly institution ofhigher education, the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, welcomesapplicants with children.

Please send your application (CV, transcripts or degreecertificates, a brief statement of research interests and contactdetails of two referees) by 20 March,2014 toProf. Dr. Bianca Wittmann, Institute of Biological Psychology,Otto-Behaghel-Strasse 10F, 35394 Giessen, Germany, stating theapplication number 203/00213/06. Please send a copy by e-mailtobianca.wittmann@psychol.uni-giessen.de asa single pdf file. Preference will be given to disabled applicantswith equal qualifications.

For further details, please contact BiancaWittmann:
Phone +49-641-9926160,E-mail bianca.wittmann@psychol.uni-giessen.de
13社会@小头米非  2月27日 17:08

Two teaching and research assistant positions in Social Psychology,University of Lausanne

The Institute of Psychology, and the Faculty of Social andPolitical Sciences of the University of Lausanne inviteapplications for two teaching and research assistant positions inSocial Psychology.

Starting date: September the 1st, 2014
Duration: Up to 5 years (1 year + 2 + 2)
Occupation rate: One position, 100%, the other position,80%.
Working environment: The Lausanne-Dorigny campus, beautifullylocated on the lakeside (http://www.unil.ch/central/page2192_en.html )


- A completed Master’s degree in Psychology or Social Sciences, orrelated disciplines.
- A solid background in social psychology
- Familiarity with research methods, statistics and dataanalysis
- Ability to teach in French
- Excellent skills in English
- Willingness to complete a PhD in social psychology, under thesupervision of Professor Fabrizio Butera. For more information onpossible lines of research, please see:


- As a Teaching Assistant, she/he will be in charge of anundergraduate social psychology lab class (teaching load: 2 hoursper week).
- As a PhD researcher, the appointed applicant will develop aresearch programme and conduct empirical research in one of thelines of research supervised by Professor Fabrizio Butera. Researchfacilities include a fully equipped experimental lab, participationin the activities of the Social Psychology Laboratory(http://www.unil.ch/ps/page41962_en.html ),and inclusion in the Social Psychology Graduate School(http://www.unil.ch/ssp/page40084.html ).

Deadline for application:

April the 30th, 2014

Please send a curriculum vitae, a motivation letter and arecommendation letter to Professor Fabrizio Butera, by email(mailto:Fabrizio.Butera@unil.ch ).
12石头@UKE.de  2月17日 21:18

JOB: Predoc „MemoryAcross the Lifespan", Berlin

The project „Cognitive and Neural Dynamics of Memory Acrossthe Lifespan (CONMEM)” at the Max Planck Institute for HumanDevelopment, Center for Lifespan Psychology (Director: Prof. Dr.Ulman Lindenberger), is seeking applications for a

Predoctoral Research Fellow

The doctoral fellowship will last for 2 (+1) years. The position isavailable from May 1,2014 orearlier.

Job Description

The CONMEM project (PIs: Dr. Yee Lee Shing & Dr. MarkusWerkle-Bergner) investigates lifespan changes in the interplaybetween associative and strategic components of memory functioningon neural and cognitive levels, with a focus on working andepisodic memory (see Sander, et al., Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev.,2012; Shing, et al., Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 2010). Futureresearch will advance a multi-modal imaging approach (EEG sourceimaging in combination with structural and functional MRI) touncover lifespan differences in rhythmic neural activity related toperception, attention, and memory (e.g., Werkle-Bergner et al.,Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 2006). The successful predoctoral fellowwill plan and conduct empirical studies in this domain, analyze thebehavioral, EEG, and MRI data, and prepare scientific manuscriptsfor publication.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Markus Werkle-Bergner (werkle@mpib-berlin.mpg.de)


A successful applicant needs to hold a diploma/master degree inpsychology, cognitive neuroscience, computer science, or relatedfields. Applicants should have experience with conductingexperimental research, knowledge in neuroimaging methods(preferably EEG), and a solid background in at least oneprogramming language (preferably Matlab or R). In addition, theability to work independently as well as a high proficiency of theEnglish language is required.

The Max Planck Society is interested in increasing the number ofwomen on its scientific staff. We strongly encourage applicationsfrom women and members of minority groups. In addition, the MaxPlanck Society is committed to employing more handicappedindividuals and encourages them to apply.

To apply, please send (via email only) a statement of researchinterests, a CV, a copy of relevant certificates, (p)reprints ofpublications, and a list of two references to Dr. MarkusWerkle-Bergner, MPI for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195Berlin (werkle@mpib-berlin.mpg.de)by March 31th,2014.
13社会@小头米非  2月12日 3:55
Ph.D. position at the University of Leuven, Belgium – Batja Mesquita

I have a vacancy for a Ph.D. researcher. The position is part of a
larger research project on cultural differences in emotions, in which
we focus on the role of dyadic emotional interactions. The PhD-student
would focus on emotions in mother-adolescent interactions in three
cultures: Belgium, US, and Japan. The PhD position would start as
early as possible, but latest on September 1, 2014. Starting salary
depends on prior academic experience, but will be around 1700 euro per
month after taxes.

The position is a research-only position; other duties are kept to a minimum.
I am looking for a candidate with excellent knowledge of statistics,
an interest in cross-cultural research, adolescence and emotions, and
good English language skills.

The PhD would be part of the Center for Social and Cultural Psychology
(http://ppw.kuleuven.be/home/english/research/cscp ), in particular
the Acculturation and Culture Collaborative.
More information about my research and research team can be found at
and http://ppw.kuleuven.be/home/english/research/cscp/acc-research

Questions and applications should be sent to
mailto:mesquite@psy.kuleuven.be . All applications should include a
full CV and the contact details of at least two academics who can be
contacted for a reference.

Batja Mesquita
14认知@M  2月8日 10:21
clinical@cynthia  2月7日 12:08
12neural@小巫  2月7日 4:12

Phd/Postdoc position at the MPI BiologicalCybernectis. There is a new group working on small animal highfield MRI, optogenetics and electrophysiology.  Dr. Yu has published seminal papers in Nature Neuroscience,Nature Methods, Neuron, PNAS,NeuroImage etc. http://www.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de/research/rg/yugroup.htmlMPI新来的中国老板 网站上似乎木有update他招PhD的广告 不过他确实在招学生...

14认知-微云……  2月6日 21:36
12石头@UKE.de  2月6日 20:27

Graduate School Cognitive Interaction Technology - Call forApplication 2014


CiTEC是德国的GermanExcellence initiative项目之一,很受认可。
deadline 14.3.31

12石头@UKE.de  1月22日 2:18

#… 客体 识别
12石头@UKE.de  1月22日 2:17

20 POSITIONS for PhDstudents and Postdocs at GIESSEN and MARBURGon Cardinalmechanisms of Perception


DDL: 2014.02.14

12石头@UKE.de  2013/12/15 08:55
14 咨询 I/O-Y  2013/12/14 21:58
12石头@UKE.de  2013/12/13 21:59

Applications including CV (with publication list if applicable), ashort summaryof master thesis, a statement of research interest, and namesof tworeferees should be sent until 31.01.2014 (stampedarrival date of the universitycentral mail service applies), preferentially as pdf-documentvia emailwith "PhD Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience" in thee-mail subjectline to: Shu-Chen.Li@tu-dresden.de (Pleasenote: We are currentlynot able to receive electronically signed and encrypted data.) orto TUDresden, Fakultaet Mathematik undNaturwissenschaften, FachrichtungPsychologie, Institut fuer PaedagogischePsychologie undEntwicklungspsychologie, Professur fuer Entwicklungspsychologieund Neurowissenschaft der Lebensspanne, FrauProf. Ph.D. Shu-Chen Li, 01062 Dresden

12石头@UKE.de  2013/12/13 21:56
TU 德累斯顿大学 博士职位


PhD position in lifespan developments of flexiblegoal-directed learning
and decision-making

12石头@UKE.de  2013/12/07 08:35


12石头@UKE.de  2013/12/04 22:05


?待定@小二  2013/12/04 21:00

12石头@UKE.de  2013/12/04 20:58
11Neu-Outsider@NIN.nl  2013/12/04 20:17
我好想不小心多点了一下,erasmus的官网:http://ec.europa.eu/education/index_en.htm大家耐心找找master项目在哪- - 另外也有少量phd项目
11Neu-Outsider@NIN.nl  2013/12/04 20:15
11Neu-Outsider@NIN.nl  2013/12/04 20:12
14认知-微云……  2013/12/04 19:53
楼上&楼上的楼上说的都是phd position吧~
小本们是不是只能看看department的master program啊~
11Neu-Outsider@NIN.nl  2013/12/04 18:18
12石头@UKE.de  2013/12/04 09:14



刚看见的一个:德国DFG资助,德国萨尔大学和中科院心理所联合博士项目(international researchtraining group)。据我所知只拿德国一个学位,在中科院待最长不超过6个月。




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