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COPSY 心理学留学文书库



纽约大学 - 文理研究生院 认知与感知博士项目




为了扩展我对认知神经科学的了解,我在2016年夏季完成了两个实习。在伊斯坦布尔大学Aziz Sancar实验医学研究学院的神经科学系,我参加了各种神经科学研讨会,做了演讲,并获得了分子神经科学技术的实践经验。在我的第二个实习期间,我在巴切希尔大学的脑与认知实验室中更深入地参与了行为研究的发展,并有机会通过协助EEG项目来扩展我的知识。我在2017年夏季在科奇大学的计时与决策实验室度过,协助了一项关于感知决策的经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)研究。我还编程并参与了两个不同行为研究实验的设计,这些研究调查了厌恶敏感性和错误监控。

为了在国际环境中拓宽我的学术和科学技能,我参加了2017年秋季在比利时鲁汶大学的伊拉斯谟交流项目。我参与了Gestalt ReVision实验室(负责人为Johan Wagemans)的正在进行的研究,在那里我获得了关于感知分组和预测处理的最新知识,并为几个相关实验收集、可视化和解释数据。随后的夏天,我参加了在加拿大的约克CVR-VISTA视觉夏季学校(全额奖学金),在那里我对注意力和感知的研究兴趣在了解了视觉科学中的尖端研究问题和方法论之后变得更加集中。

从国际学习归来后,我在Hulusi Kafalıgönül博士的指导下开始了我的原创高级论文项目。该项目“注意力对视听交互作用的调节在明显的运动中”,研究视觉空间和听觉注意力如何调节时间口技表演背后的视听交互作用。在与我的导师开发了这一范式后,我申请了伦理委员会的批准,并使用MATLAB和Psychtoolbox设计了相关的实验。

作为一名本科生,我旨在利用每一个机会来提高我的理论和实践研究技能。从我在不同实验室的经验中,我学会了如何用MATLAB编程实验,如何使用不同的方法论设计实验,如心理物理学、眼动追踪、EEG、EMG和脑刺激(tDCS),以及如何使用MATLAB、R、Excel和SPSS分析可视化数据。我也熟悉Java(面向对象编程)。目前,我正在修读工程系提供的基础数学课程来提高我的计算技能,以及一门功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)课程来学习更多关于基础物理和信号处理的知识。我还获得了实验室动物实验的FELASA Cat B证书。除了我的研究经验,我还担任了Jennifer Corbett博士的认知心理学课程的助教,以及社会学科计算与编程课程的实验室助教。

基于我在神经科学、感知和认知方面的背景,我希望继续研究空间注意力在视觉感知和跨感官整合中的作用。纽约大学的认知与感知博士项目是发展我的研究兴趣的完美跨学科环境。Marisa Carrasco教授的实验室是我博士学习的首选,因为我对实验室中正在进行的几项视觉注意力研究感到兴奋。我相信我至今所获得的经验已使我准备好为NYU的世界级研究环境做出贡献,在那里我将有最好的机会进一步提升自己作为未来研究者的能力。



Aysun Duyar


NYU – Graduate School of Arts and Science
PhD in Cognition and Perception

Dear Members of the Selection Committee,

I am fully motivated to pursue a career in academic research in visual attention and perception, and I believe that the Cognition and Perception PhD program at NYU offers the best opportunities to develop the necessary skills for a future researcher in this field.

Since the beginning of my studies, I have been interested in visual perception and the relationship between the physical brain and cognitive processes. As a first step, I became a research assistant in the Corbett-Munneke Visual  Perception  and  Attention  Laboratory  during  my  second  year  of  undergraduate  study  at  Bilkent University. During the two years I worked in this lab, I developed core scientific reasoning skills, including expertise in psychophysical, eye-tracking and EEG methodologies, as well as data analysis and interpretation. I assisted with several research projects focused on understanding how the visual system accomplishes stable and complete perception despite limited attentional resources by relying “short-cuts” like perceptual grouping and perceptual averaging. Participating in these projects from the initial stages of developing the ideas to the final stages of seeing the published manuscripts further stimulated my interests in attention and perception research and played a major role in shaping my decision to pursue PhD studies in this field.  

To expand my knowledge of cognitive neuroscience, I completed two internships during Summer 2016. At the İstanbul  University  Aziz  Sancar  Research  Institute  of  Experimental  Medicine,  in  the  Department  of Neuroscience, I attended various neuroscience seminars, gave presentations, and gained hands-on experience in molecular  neuroscience  techniques.  During  my  second  internship  in  Bahçeşehir  University’s  Brain  and Cognition Lab, I became more intimately involved in the development of behavioral studies, and also had an opportunity to expand my knowledge by assisting with EEG projects. I spent Summer 2017 at Koç University, in the Timing and Decision Making Lab, assisting with a tDCS study investigating perceptual decision making. I also programmed and contributed to the experimental design of two different behavioral studies investigating disgust sensitivity and error monitoring.

To broaden my academic and scientific skills in an international environment, I participated in the Erasmus Exchange  Program  in  Fall  of  2017  at  KU  Leuven,  Belgium.  I  became  involved  in  ongoing  research  in  the Gestalt ReVision Laboratory (PI Johan Wagemans), where I gained state-of-the art knowledge of research on perceptual grouping and predictive processing, and collected, visualized, and interpreted data for several related experiments. The following summer, I attended the York CVR-VISTA Vision Summer School in Canada (full scholarship), where my research interests became more focused on attention and perception after having the chance to learn about cutting-edge research questions and methodologies in vision science.  

After returning from my international studies, I began my original senior thesis project under the supervision of Dr. Hulusi Kafalıgönül. The project “Attentional Modulation of Audiovisual Interactions in Apparent Motion,” examines how visuospatial and auditory attention modulate the audiovisual interactions underlying temporal ventriloquism. After developing the paradigm with my supervisor, I applied for Ethics Committee Approval, and designed and programmed the related experiments using MATLAB and Psychtoolbox.

As an undergraduate student, I aimed to take advantage of every chance to improve my theoretical and practical research  skills.  From  my  experience  in  different  laboratories,  I  have  learned  to  program  experiments  with MATLAB, how to design experiments with different methodologies such as psychophysics, eye tracking, EEG, EMG, and brain stimulation (tDCS), as well as how to analyze and visualize data using MATLAB, R, Excel, and SPSS. I am also familiar with Java (Object Oriented Programming). I am currently taking core mathematics courses offered by the engineering departments to improve my computational skills, as well as an fMRI course to  learn  more  about  basics  physics  and  signal  processing.  I  also  obtained  a  FELASA  Cat  B  Certificate  for laboratory animal experiments. In addition to my research experience, I also served as a TA for Dr. Jennifer Corbett’s Cognitive Psychology course and for two semesters as a lab TA for Computing and Programming for Social Sciences classes.
Building on my background in neuroscience, perception, and cognition, I hope to continue investigating the role of spatial attention in visual perception and multisensory integration. The NYU PhD Program in Cognition and  Perception is the  perfect  interdisciplinary  environment in which to  develop  my  research interests.  Prof. Marisa Carrasco’s lab is my first choice for PhD study, as I am excited about several lines of ongoing visual attention research in the lab. I believe the experience I have gained so far has prepared me to contribute to the world-class research environment at NYU, where I will have the best opportunities to further improve myself
as a future researcher.
Thank you very much for considering my application.
Aysun Duyar <


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