准备的很晚,没论文,有过相关课题研究背景写了论文在修改中,第一次套磁直接给了CV,本人工科出身,但是成绩比较差,平均81吧,没提供GT成绩,然后这个导师是Associate Prof., 挺年轻的,研究方向正好我很感兴趣而且也和个人经历对口,所以就套了下,问有无招生计划,我的背景合不合适在他的小组读,结果回复如下,代表有戏还是没戏呢?该怎么回复的好? Dear Xunda, Thanks for your interest. I was also trained in engineering before becoming a professor, and I think this is a good background. Still, I do not know if I can take a student this fall, and I already have many applicants, so the chances are low. You are welcome to apply though, and I will be sure to look at your application if you list me as a potential mentor. Best, Prof. Brown