

[招生] 近期的一些大学招生信息汇总(申请2013年的同学注意了!)

申请互助 申请互助 5528 人阅读 | 2 人回复 | 2012-10-16

以下信息由群友cobblest  友情提供!

有感兴趣HCI方面研究的同学可以关注下University of Michigan的School of Information的PhD项目,介绍在此http://www.si.umich.edu/academics/phd/doctoral-and-research-opportunities-umsi
另外该项目即将开放open house的报名,在美国的同学可以考虑参加

以下信息由群友cobblest  友情提供!

休斯顿大学biomedical informatics学院的Hongbin Wang老师招收PhD
也可以联系他现在的PhD学生 梁晨 nehcgnail@gmail.com

英国伯恩茅斯大学(Bournemouth University)曾飚博士招收心理学博士研究生. 曾飚博士从事语言心理方面的研究,此次招生侧重计算机语言教学、汉语声调知觉、双语语言障碍治理评估、语音处理方向的研究.有意者请邮件联系曾飚博士:bzeng@bournemouth.ac.uk

@性先进     http://weibo.com/u/2613713527


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发表于 2012-10-18 10:56:43 | 显示全部楼层

Doctoral Student Position

in Adaptive Decision Making and Cognition   
the University of Lausanne

The Modeling Adaptive Cognition Research Group at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Lausanne seeks applicants for a doctoral student position, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The position (100%) is to begin February 1st, 2013, or on a later starting date to be mutually agreed upon. The position has a funding duration of 3 years. The work location is the University of Lausanne, Lausanne Dorigny, Switzerland. The gross salary ranges from about 56,400 to about 62,400 Swiss Francs per year. The doctoral student will be mentored by Professor Julian Marewski.

Job Description

We seek applicants to work on an interdisciplinary research program on modeling adaptive decision making processes and cognition in real-world domains. Current and past researchers working on this program have had backgrounds in psychology, cognitive science, economics, mathematics, biology, physics, and computer science to name but a few.

We provide excellent resources, including a fully-equipped laboratory for conducting human subject experiments and computer simulations, an excellent international research network, and most importantly, the time to think.

The position is heavily-research oriented, preparing for a career in academia. We expect Ph.D. candidates to publish in top-tier journals. We are an international research group. Our working language is English.

Research on Adaptive Decision Making Processes and Cognition

Research on adaptive decision making processes and cognition addresses a key question: How do humans make decisions under uncertainty, that is, when time and information are limited and the future is unknown? In experiments, computer simulations, and mathematical analyses, we study both (i) how people make such decisions, and (ii) how they ought to make these decisions
in order to behave adaptively. In doing so, we build detailed computational models of how decision processes are adapted to the structure of the environment, as well as how the decision processes interplay with other cognitive processes, such as memory or time perception. Areas of research for the current position include modeling how people select from a repertoire of decision strategies, how people make inductive inferences, how memory is nestled into to the structure of the environment, how to predict
memory retrieval using internet search engines such as Google.


Applicants should be interested in modeling decision and/or other cognitive processes. A university degree in psychology, business, economics, mathematics, computer sciences, physics, biology, or in a related discipline as well as good English skills are required. Already existing modeling or programming skills (e.g., MATLAB, R, LISP, ACT-R) are helpful but not required.

Application Materials and Deadline

The application deadline is December 1st, 2012, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Application materials include a cover letter describing research interests, a curriculum vitae, university transcripts, an extract of prior scientific work (if available), and twoletters of recommendation. Please submit your materials via email to julian.marewski@unil.ch.

Working at the University of Lausanne

The Modeling Adaptive Cognition Research Group is located at the Department of Organizational Behavior of the Faculty for Business and Economics at the University of Lausanne. The department provides a stimulating interdisciplinary research environment. We publish in top-tier journals in different disciplines, including Science, Psychological Review, and the
American Economic Review.

Located at Lake Geneva and surrounded by the Jura Mountains and the French Alps, Lausanne is a beautiful and cosmopolitan spot to live and work. The Lake Geneva region enjoys a Mediterranean microclimate.

More information about the position can be inquired via email (julian.marewski@unil.ch <mailto:juilan.marewski@unil.ch> ). Information about the Modeling Adaptive Cognition Research Group is available at http://www.modeling-adaptive-cognition.org/. Information about theDepartment of Organizational Behavior can be found at http://www.hec.unil.ch/ob/home.


发表于 2012-10-18 10:58:08 | 显示全部楼层

PhD position in Berlin School of Mind and Brain

*Berlin School of Mind and Brain -- Apply now for 2013!*

The Berlin School of Mind and Brain is an *international and
interdisciplinary graduate research school* that offers a *three-year
doctoral degree program in English*. The School was established in 2006
as part of Germany's Excellence Initiative for German universities.

It is the Berlin School of Mind and Brain's mission to *train
outstanding young scientists*to become experts in one of the relevant
fields, to provide them with knowledge over the gamut of mind and brain
research, and to give them the ability, and the opportunity, to
cooperate with researchers from other disciplines.

Doctoral candidates are admitted by a four-step process that identifies
the 10--15 best applicants. They are selected in a highly competitive
and internationally open admission procedure.

*Based at**Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin*, our main partner
institutions in research, education and training program are the Charit?
Medical School and the universities in Berlin and Potsdam, Magdeburg and
Leipzig as well as the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience,
Max Delbr?ck Center for Molecular Medicine, Max Planck Institute for
Human Development, and Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences.

Researchwithin the School concentrates on *six paradigmatic topics* each
of which connects brain- and mind-related research:

operception, attention,and consciousness




obrain disordersandmentaldysfunction

ohuman socialityandthebrain

Researchisstrongly embedded in the basic and clinical research
conductedwithin theregionallowingforsynergisticresearchinitiatives

TheSchoolhasa*faculty comprisedofnearly60
distinguishedresearchers*,includingfive MaxPlanck
Fellow.Togetherwiththeassociatedresearchgroups theycoverthemost
relevantresearchareas inthemindand thebrainsciences.

*Partnerships*with several international universitiesare maintained for
research and training exchange, joint conferences, and lab rotations:

oUniversity of Aarhus, Denmark

oBar-Ilan University, Israel

oKing's College London, UK

oUniversity College London, UK

oDuke University, USA

oGeorge Mason University, USA

*Eight good reasons to choose the Berlin School of Mind and Brain ***

oYou becomepartofa*structured
educationandtraininginoneofEurope'slargest mindandbrainresearchcommunities

oYou are assignedatleast*two professorial thesis advisors*-- usually one
from the brain sciences,onefromthemindsciences,inorderto
ensuretheinterdisciplinaryimpactandsupportfor yourwork

oYou regularly *meet withleading international researchers*through the
School's own scientificmeetingsandinternationallectureseries

oYou are provided with*substantial**financial

oYou arrangeyour own*journal and methods clubs*andparticipate

oYou attend a series of *tailor-made courses on subjects relevant for
interdisciplinary mind and brain research*, and you
haveaccesstospecialized *scientific soft- and hard-skill courses,*
a*mentoring program, *careerdevelopment,andcoaching

oYou *do not have to pay any tuition fees*associated with the program

oYou have access to *scholarships*-- the best applicants will be granted
a scholarship by the School

Recent progress in the neurosciences has opened up new and exciting
avenues for research that raise challenging conceptual and ethical
questions calling for an interdisciplinary approach. The *Berlin School
of Mind and Brain* offers a unique research and training environment for
doctoral candidates to work at this exciting interface between the
sciences and the humanities.

*Deadline for applications: 15 January 2013*

For further information please visit our website www.mind-and-brain.de
<http://www.mind-and-brain.de>or contact mb-admissions@hu-berlin.de.

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