

[选学校] 真心求选校『Brandeis or U of M twin cities』

申请互助 申请互助 2249 人阅读 | 0 人回复 | 2012-09-27


本科学的心理学,有2家研究所的实习经历(都是cognitive psychology&neuroscience相关),一心向往cognitive neuroscience.作为保底或者转专业的考虑来申请的教育心理, 并不想读这个专业。无论如何都会以cognitive neuroscience为最终目标。

昨天拿到了Brandeis的普通心理学Master, 在1月份时也拿到了twin cities的教育心理Master。

作为专业来说,普通心理学当然比教育心理靠近我的目标,但Brandeis的这个项目full-time student只有一年时间,学费也相对比较贵,心理学的排名也相对说twin cities要低一些。

所以非常想听听这两所学校的同学关于本校的意见,以及转专业可能性的意见。也很希望在米国读心理学的同学们提供些信息,假如我在brandeis读了心理学硕士,再申请其他学校博士的情况会不会乐观一些?这是brandeis关于自家MASTER PROGRAM的描述http://www.brandeis.edu/gsas/programs/psychology.html#Admission



i mean, edu psych is not very useful compared with other branches of psych. and even many edu psych phd programs have very limited funding. on the other hand, brandeis' program is only one year. that leaves little time to do thesis for phd application purposes. it really sounds more like a professional degree.your master's program wouldn't help much with phd application if it's non-thesis track.


twin cities的developmental psychology很牛的说。。。faculty也很强。。。


我今天收到了brandeis老师催我的信 他人很好 下面是回复:

Xuanzi, I realize I forgot to fill in the critical cost in the previous email.  The cost for continuing per semester to complete research is currently $1250.  PD

You are right to be thinking about this.  Our Brandies Psychology Masters program is specifically designed for students who feel they need additional preparation before they apply for a PhD.  Our studnets have an excellent record of being admitted to PhD programs,  and a small percentage of highly motivated students actually do get into a PhD program the fall after entering of Masters program but  most  who enter our  Masters program in the fall of one year do not enter a PhD program until the fall of the second subsequent year.  The problem with a one year progam, as you probaly understand, is that in order to get into a PhD program the next year students would have to apply for the PhD program when they are less than half way done with the one year Masters program.  The major advantage for you from our program is engaging in high quality research which will almost certainly be published and working closely with an advisor who can give a strong recommendation.  Few students can make enough progress toward these goals in the first few months of the Masters program (while also taking courses)  to have substantially improved their PhD application.   So, most students take one of two routes: 1) Extend the Masters program  to 1.5 years.    This means they usually complete their courses and begin their research in the first year and then complete and publish thier research by the end of the third semester, which is exactly the right time to apply to PhD programs the next fall.  The cost for the 3rd semester of the Masters program is only $1250 if  you only have to register to complete your research (and of course there are living costs).  Then you wouls also have to find a way to support yourself for the 1/2 year between the end of the Masters and the beginning of the PhD.  Often students can get employment, including research employment, at Brandeis for this short period.  2) some studnets finish the Masters program i one year and find a job in a related field while they apply for PhD programs over the next year.  Of course both of these options are more difficult for non-US citizens because, depending on where you want to apply, it might involve moving out of the country and then moving back.  This must be weighed against choosing a 2 year program which costs more but does not have an awkward gap period.  Of course you could always apply directly to a PhD program without the MA degree.  A longer term economic factor you should consider is that the combination of coursework and research our program provides not only enhances your competitiveness for PhD programs but will shorten you time to get the PhD.  I have the impression from your short e-mail that your written english is pretty good.  You should serious assess yourself though in terms of whether you speaking and listening is adequate to engage in high-level classwork and research conversations.  If you feel ready to dive in then the 1year plan is appropriate but if you feel your english needs improvement then the 1.5 year option would be worth considering. I hope this all helps.  Don't hesitate to ask additional questions.  PD




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