

[I/O] 申请I/O 的来看看~Applying to a Graduate Program in I/O Psychology

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理想情况下,你应该在申请之前完成与你兴趣领域相关的课程,以便这些信息包含在你的成绩单上。特别是,统计学和实验室课程的成绩对于研究生项目的录取通常至关重要。不要过于担心缺乏I-O课程。许多本科院校不提供I-O课程。你不能选择没有提供的课程。许多研究生项目不会对此给予太多重视。相反,他们通常更感兴趣的是你为何有兴趣在该领域追求高级学位。这可以在你的个人陈述中解决。当然,总体平均成绩(GPA)高是可取的,心理学课程的GPA高也是。此外,加入荣誉社团如Psi Chi和Phi Beta Kappa反映了强大的学术背景。













If you are consideringpursuing a career in industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology, you shouldbegin thinking about graduate study as early as possible in your undergraduatecareer. Graduate programs offer a variety of advanced degrees in I-O includingMaster of Arts (M.A.), Master of Science (M.S.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), orDoctor of Psychology (Psy.D.). Academic requirements vary across the differentdegree programs, the time taken to complete programs differs, and each preparesyou for a potentially different type of career in the field. Although youshould consult the requirements and unique features of each program in whichyou are interested, there are some general characteristics that differentiatethe degrees. The Ph.D. degree requires the completion of a dissertation andmany programs that offer doctoral education also require that students completea Masters Thesis prior to pursuing the dissertation. As a result, studentscompleting Ph.D. programs often earn either the M.A. or M.S. as part of therequirements for completing the Ph.D. Doctoral programs are often distinguishedby the requirement that students are actively involved in research projectsthroughout their tenure in the program. In contrast, some programs offer onlyan M.A or M.S. Programs of this type may or may not require students tocomplete a thesis or research in addition to coursework. Programs that offerthe Psy.D. generally have a much more applied focus and less emphasis is placedon active student involvement in research. Additionally, some graduate programsrequire the completion of an applied internship. You should always directlyconsult a program to learn about specific degree requirements and time tocomplete the program. For specific information about any I-O graduate program,you should consult the Graduate Training page on the SIOP Web site.
Ideally, you should have completed courses related toyour area(s) of interest prior to applying so that this information is includedon your transcript. In particular, grades in statistics and lab courses areoften crucial for admission to graduate programs. Dont be overly concernedabout a lack of courses in I-O. Many undergraduate institutions do not offerI-O courses. You cant take what is not offered. Many graduate programs will notplace too much weight on this. Instead, they are generally more interested inwhy you are interested in pursuing an advanced degree in the field. This can beaddressed in your personal statement. Certainly, a high overall grade pointaverage (GPA) is desirable, as well as a high GPA in your Psychology courses.In addition, induction and participation in honorary societies such as Psi Chiand Phi Beta Kappa reflect strong academic credentials.
For Ph.D. programs, scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are aparticularly important element of your application. A cursory review of GREscores of admitted students in in I-O graduate programs suggests that verbalscores of 500 or greater and quantitative scores of 600 are better are common.As with any test of this type, preparation plays an important role. You shouldprepare for the test by taking practice exams and getting familiar with theexam content, item type, and the instruction sets. A number of companies offersuch coaching and test preparation. These services however, often can be quiteexpensive and may not be necessary for everyone. Importantly, GRE scores are anotable part of your application, but they are not the only criterion thatprograms use to make admission decisions.
Letters of recommendation are a critical component of your application and youshould choose your letter writers carefully. Most programs require that yousolicit letters from 3 or 4 individuals who are familiar with your recentacademic performance and future academic potential. Ideally, your letter writersshould be faculty members who have interacted with you on a consistent,personal basis. You want your letter writers to be able to comment on specificskills and abilities you possess. Often these are characteristics such as: oraland written communication skills, quantitative ability, maturity, creativity,ability to work well with others, motivation for graduate study, and otherresearch skills. In addition, letter writers are often asked to rank theapplicant relative to other students they have observed and about theapplicants ability to succeed in graduate programs. Obviously, the better yourletter writer knows you, the more specific and explicit his or her letter canbe. If your letter writer is someone with whom you took a large course and onlyknows how you performed in the course, the letter written on your behalf willnot be able to provide detailed information about your abilities.
A great way of building relationships with prospective letter writers isthrough work on independent research projects or honors theses. If your schooloffers options for taking independent study credits with faculty members whoare conducting research, you should be certain to take advantage of theseopportunities. The sooner in your undergraduate career you can take part inthese opportunities, the more information your letter writer will have when yousubmit your application. In addition to providing opportunities for facultymembers to get to know you, these experiences are also beneficial because youmay interact with current graduate students and, thus, collect some valuablefirst-hand graduate information.
When you begin assembling your application materials, think about what you looklike on paper. You will have a better idea of the programs for which you have thebest fit if you make an unbiased, dispassionate self-appraisal. Remember, whatyou submit with your application is all that the program faculty will haveabout you. If there are particular elements of your application that are belowa programs stated criteria (e.g., low GPA, low GRE scores), you should becertain to indicate why these data do not accurately reflect your skills,abilities, or motivation. Your letter writers may also comment on informationthey feel is not consistent with your academic achievement or potential.
Your personal statement should also indicate why you are interested in pursuinga particular degree and, even more importantly, why you think the program towhich you are applying will provide a good fit for your abilities and interests.By tailoring your letter to a particular school, you convey that you have takenthe time to consider where you fit best. Particularly in Ph.D. programs,faculty members are interested in students who are complementary interests aswell as overall academic potential.
Some other general advice:
Talk with faculty members at your undergraduate institution about your careerinterests. Not only can these individuals offer direct guidance related to yourcareer plans, but also they can provide frank feedback about your probablechance of admission at various programs and assist you in targeting programsthat provide you with the best opportunities.
Take time drafting your personal statement. This is really your onlyopportunity to provide the programs to which you are applying directinformation about yourself. You should be certain to convey your interests inthe field and how they developed. Most individuals applying graduate school donot have specific, concrete career objectives (e.g., an academic v. appliedcareer) or well-defined research interests. On the other hand, you want toavoid statements that would indicate absolutely no direction or interests.Instead, your statement may indicate general areas of interest (e.g.,selection, training, motivation, or leadership) and an idea about which of theprograms faculty members research is of most interest to you. Above all, makesure that you solicit feedback about your personal statement from severalindividuals so that is clear, logical, and free of typographical or grammaticalerrors.
There are several sources to consult if you are interested in learning moreabout the various sub disciplines of I-O psychology. First, you may wish toconsult one of the many available introductory I-O texts. If your universitybook store does not carry these titles, you should consult your library. Youcan also find texts online at a number of different large, bookstore Web sitesby searching for the title industrial psychology. Another excellent source ofinformation about the topics commonly studied by I-O psychologists is academicjournals. In particular, the Journal of Applied Psychology and PersonnelPsychology are outlets that publish I-O research.
For doctoral programs, direct research experience with a faculty member is avaluable commodity. The actual content and substantive area of the research isof less concern.
Contact current students in the programs to which you plan to apply. Studentscan provide detailed information about graduate programs that does not necessarilyappear on paper.
Applying to graduate programs can be somewhat costly. Most programs haveadmission fees and if you apply to several programs, those fees can quicklyaccrue. Some programs offer to waive the fee for some individuals with economichardships. If this applies to you, be certain to check with each program abouthow to request this accommodation.


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