University of Texas, Austin
课程名:Social Psychology,Fall 2009
授课人:Toni Falbo
这门课是以讨论会(Seminar)的形式来上。每节课就是2个Group Presentation+1个Individual Presentation,present完就讨论。
态度与行为之间的关系是个古老的话题,这篇文章很好的总结了之前的研究 - Glasman, L.R. & Albarracin, D. (2006). Forming attitudes that predict future behavior: A meta-analysis of the attitude-behavior relation. Psychological Bulletin, 132 (5), 778-822.
这篇文章是彭凯平教授(UCLA教授,清华心理系主任)写的,在跨文化比较中,在测量集体主义与个体主义的程度中,参考标准的问题。里面的研究蛮有趣的。 - Heine, S.J., Lehman, D.R., Peng, K. & Greenholtz, J. (2002). What’s wrong with cross-cultural comparisons of subjective likert scales?: The reference-group effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 903-918.
对孩子的夸奖会对他的内部动机有什么影响?这篇文章会告诉你。(不够感觉看完后,感觉不怎么能帮助你在实际中提高孩子的内部动机) - Henderlong, J. & Lepper, M.R. (2002) The effects of praise on children’s intrinsic motivation: A review and synthesis. Psychological Bulletin, 128(5), 774-795.
基本归因谬误是社会心理学的教材必讲的内容,这篇文章告诉你,回顾过去大部分的研究,基本归因谬误其实effect size并不大。所以,这个现象可能并不存在。(枉我们还去学) - Malle, B.F. (2006) The actor-observer asymmetry in attribution: A (surprising) meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 132 (6), 895-915.
- Mezulis, A.H., Abramson, L.Y., Hyde, J.S. & Hankin, B.L. (2004). Is here a universal positivity bias in attributions? A meta-analytic review of individual, developmental and cultural differences in the self-serving attributional bias. Psychological Bulletin, 130, 711-747.
团体的工作效率<个体的工作效率? - Shepperd,, J. (1993). Productivity loss in performance groups: A motivation analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 113, 67-81.