

[面经] 12.12 2014 Fall UCSB临床心理学第一轮面经

申请互助 申请互助 157 人阅读 | 0 人回复 | 2024-03-10

时间链大概是:11.15deadline,12.10收到invitation email, 12.12早上8:30-9:00 online interview (skype),后续未知……

UCSB的clinical psychology是在一个combined psychology program里面, CCSP (Conseling, Clinical and School Psychology Program)。Clinical psychology program一般需要in-person/on-site interview,也就是当面面试(不排除飞到美国面试),所以skype interview只是第一个阶段的面试啦!不过像是cognitive, developmental好像只要skype面试即可,所以如果拿到这些领域的skype interview,恭喜,已经成功了一大半啦!

贴一下当时教授发过来的Invitation email:
Dear Shania,

After reviewing your application to our combined psychology program, I am very pleased to extend to you an invitation to participate in an interview.  I found your application very compelling and I would love the opportunity to learn more about you and your autism research interests!

This year, our department has moved to a multiphase interview process.  After all of the applications are received, top applicants are invited to participate in online (skype) video interviews in December.  Once these are completed, a subset of these candidates will then be invited to an in-person interview day in January to meet with our faculty/students and tour our campus.

I would like to schedule a skype interview with you on Wednesday December 11 at 4:30pm PST in the United States (which is Thursday, December 12 at 8:30am CST in Tianjin, China).  They typically last 30 minutes and will allow us both to learn more about each other. Please let me know if this time works for you.

At your earliest convenience, can you please let me know if you are able to use Skype to videoconference?  If so, can you send me your skype username?  If you don\'t already have one, you can register for one at skype.com

Looking forward to talking!


我的面试准备就是从教授的邮件和以往的COPSY上的面经总结开始的。从email中红色字体的部分可以大概看出教授和我想聊什么,估计大家也差不多啦!于是我面试前一晚准备了以下几个问题,写了一个interview preparation的word,都是比较常见的:
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Why do you want to study psychology (如果你有了确定的研究方向,或者本科就是Psych的,个人感觉这个问题没什么必要)
3. Why clincial psychology?
4. Your future plans.
5. Tell me more about your research experience.
6. Any questions for me or our program?

实际面试的时候,这个教授比较腼腆,没跟我聊太多,简单寒暄how are you doing之后就开始问问题了:
1. Can you tell me more about you and how you got into the area of XXX? 然后我blabla讲了一大堆我的研究经历……
2. Why do you choose our program?
3. Did you also apply for UCLA?(我去UCLA exchange过两个quarters) 这个问题虽然我斩钉截铁的说没,因为老师不招生, Psychology department没有很match的,match的都在psychiatry之类的……我感觉我说多了= =
4. Any questions for me? 我问了仨问题……
5. If you got into conflicts with my colleagues, other students or patients, how do you deal with these conflicts?他说这个问题我问我每一个prospective students...我就开始瞎编= =
6. 说我们那个program因为是combined program可能会遇到很多不同的病人啊,什么adultsblabla...我们那个center里也有各种病人blablabla...What\'s your comfort level with clinical patients, such as anxiety, depressions blablabla 这个问题好像很多做病人研究的教授都会问。暑假我在中科院一个做精神分裂症的老师那儿跟他面谈的时候,他也问了我面对病人的comfort level这样的问题。

基本就是这些问题……这个教授比较腼腆+学术,没有多废话,两个人没话说就差不多结束了, 一共持续了差不多预计的30分钟。

我当时在word中同时写了几个中文大字,给自己面试时说话的建议:不要拖沓,啰嗦,淡定!可能想我平常比较喜欢打省略号的就是略拖沓一些……然后我觉得可能我能收到面试的重要因素就是我和教授research match的程度比较高,即使是clincial psychology program感觉也是特别强调research的。嗯,这个就算是双十二福利啦哈哈,希望大家都有interview都有offer!接下来的时间淡定,自信,加油!

来源: 12.12 2014 Fall UCSB临床心理学第一轮面经

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