

[认知/神经] 心理学留学案例库005:【北大心理】 BIO转PSY申请总结

申请案例 申请案例 2914 人阅读 | 0 人回复 | 2012-09-23

国家: 美国
录取学校: -
录取专业: 认知/神经
offer: AD 无奖金
学位: Master
本科学校: 北大
成绩: GPA: overall和major均<3,Rank就不说了 GRE: 610+800+4.5 TOEFL: 630+4.0

    PKU BIO 01
    GPA: overallmajor<3Rank就不说了
    GRE: 610+800+4.5
    TOEFL: 630+4.0
    Publication: 本科毕设挂名两篇和现在方向完全无关的小文章

Experience: 07.3至今心理学和认知神经科学实验助理

    绝大多数是Dept of Psy或者类似系下面的Cognitive Psy/Neuroscience,个别Interdisciplinary Program
    Tuftsinterview),BostonUBrandeisBrownUMassUCDavisRochesterUIUCPitts etc

    1.兴趣第一。Nothing is fatal EXCEPT MISMATCHED INTEREST!


    Why do I choose cognitive neuroscience?
    In elementary school, my friends often asked me why I always did well in all subjects. What I could reply was just “work hard and concentrate”.
            In fact, when I was bored and tired after writing lots of characters for 15 times to remember them, I thirsted for a method more scientific than simply spending a lot of time on cramming.
            Later, when I started to learn English, my teacher taught me an “optimized schedule” based on Ebbinghaus’ research to help memorize huge numbers of English words.
            This not only helped me learn English more efficiently but also inspired me to wonder how our brain processes and arranges the knowledge that we learned daily, and how we could make use of future discoveries to aid more complex educational activities, such as comprehension of a theorem in mathematics.
            Maybe this would be similar to how we cleaned up our house to achieve an optimal status within a given space, and how we found the best bus route to a friend’s home in a metropolis.
            The solutions must be intricate but possible, and every step to the goal will be important.

    Thinking that cognition and learning are functions of nervous system, characteristics of life forms, I chose biological sciences as ndergraduate major.
            In college, I attended a number of lectures, of which most were informative and impressive by elaborated slides and magically apprehensible style of narration, while a few were so dull that I gained nothing from them.
            Perception of visual and auditory information plays a crucial role in our development, study and career.
            Though we have summarized much experience to improve communication and education, we need more evidence from research to reach perfection.
            To make good use of my knowledge and my motivation, I decided to turn to the overlap of biology and psychology after my graduation.
            My dream was further enlightened in a visit to the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning in Beijing Normal University in July 2006, where a team of researchers applied their research results on language acquiring to recompilation of textbook for elementary school.
This aroused my sense of mission to contribute to human intelligence.
            Soon after, Daniel Schacter’s “The Seven Sins of Memory” showed me more exciting and interesting questions that have been answered or remain unknown.


This interdisciplinary science embraces biology, psychology, mathematics, philosophy and other fields to conduct comprehensive study. My work has trained me an interactive teamplayer, who is capable of complete understanding and clear expressing, quickly raising key questions. With solid knowledge and skills, I clutch every opportunity to learn from others to continuously increase my research capacity. I hope that my preciseness, honesty and creativity will lead to a great contribution.





    寒假里翻hotmail垃圾邮件箱看到Tuftsphone interview邀请(所以提醒大家不要忽略垃圾箱)。双方其实都没说啥实质内容(我也知道我还没多少货),结果几天后对方告知Thank you but I have admitted some students,再过一个月Tufts给了据信。我很失望,但也不再想它,也不管一封接一封的拒信,盯住后面的。

    4.13 该校的博士申请被拒,其时已有12封据信
    4.14 小米告知材料按照硕士申请重申。和家里讨论自费/半自费出国的可能
    4.15 该校研院告知Your application is held up because one of your recommendation is missing,我当时震呆,后悔没有打电话核实材料情况。不过研院说可以用电邮附件重寄一遍。
    4.18 系里小米回信告知we have received the recommendation from Prof. xx BUT WE CAN'T OPEN IT.我寄的可是纸板信,而不是老板网上提交,至此彻底搞晕。
    5.7早上 看信箱,小米告知we have sent a recommendation to graduate school……由于我一直想着推荐信的事,所以以为只是推荐信弄好了。关掉信箱前看到最后一个词congratulations,当场在实验室里喊Offer——!Offer——!Offer! 好在当时整层楼只有我和两个同学,不然估计得写检讨……
    下午 给家里说了被录取
    5.14 收到Email录取函。问小米The ratio of admitted/total applicants of master,告知4/44,成就感与后悔并存。同日收到第14Ph.D据信。至此还剩一个Master在申,是这个Ad附近的学校。由于给Ad的学校好些,决定去。


发信人: bitterman (未名枫|CogBrain|从头来,从新来), 信区AdvancedEdu
 : BIOPSY申请总结

发信站北大未名站 (2008052816:04:29 星期三) , 站内信件



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