在07和08年 有两个中国人拿到Harvard 的MEd录取,他们分别是 piggybaby2233 和 zhangyanqing,申请的方向是 Human Development and Psychology piggybaby2233的背景是
以下是zhangyanqing对piggybaby2233说的话 感谢帖要不是lz当年给我的启发,我也不会想到在今年申请这个专业,千恩万谢,你改变了我的人生道路 他们的经历可能对大家有点帮助 |
德州大学的教育心理第一年是没有奖学金的。系里的网站是这么说的: "Q: Can I get a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant appointment during my first year as a graduate student? A: The answer is most likely not. Our continuing students already fill most of the Educational Psychology TA or RA positions for the coming academic year." 对于第二年奖学金申请的情况,他们的秘书是这样说的, While assistantship positions are rarely granted to first-year students, there is a very good chance that you would be able to obtain an assistantship during your second year, once you’ve met some of the faculty and taken their courses. Also, a number of our students are able to secure assistantships in other departments as well. There is no centralized website though that lists all available positions, so you would need to contact other departments individually. Thank you, Pam Larick Admissions Coordinator Department of Educational Psychology The University of Texas at Austin |