社会: U of Oregon(Phd,21k+summer+award)
咨询:ISU(offer)、buffolo (ad)、UMN (MA)、Brigham Young University(phd); Boston College(master); IUB(master); UMN (master) ,UDenver(master)
School Psychology: U Delaware (有奖)
教育发展:Boston college (master), U of Iowa(master)
Special education: Vanderbilt (PhD)
General Psychology: Brandeis (MA;AD); NYU (master)
发展心理学:Bowling green state university (Phd, offer)
Experimental Psychology:University of Cambridge (PhD)
IO:SUNY-Albany (master),IIT(master), Minnesota State U (master); George Mason U (master); UAkron (master)
UGA(Phd,1700/month), VT(Phd,1640/month); George Mason(master,无钱应该)
认知:Lehigh (phd;Offer)IO:Hofstra U (2个) 、U of Ottawa (加拿大)、Leiden U (荷兰)
某位群友的offer list:
- Tufts (Cognitive psychology, PhD, Offer)
- Cornell (Cognitive, PhD, offer )
- Michigan, Ann Arbor (Cognitive Neuroscience, PhD, offer这个在群里讲过)
- McGill (Cognitive Neuroscience, PhD, offer)
- UT austin:quantitative method
- Upenn:statistics, measurement and research technology,这个项目是一年到一年半的
- UMN:quantitative methods分支;
- University of Maryland college park:measurement, statistics and evaluation
university of cincinnate的master in human resource
Social work:
UPenn(13k5/year), WUSTL(20k/2years), UMichigan, NYU(8k/year), UChicago(12k/year)