zxljerry 发表于 2013-7-18 16:39:40


Somehelpful resources for social work and psychology students: 1.Anexploration of all things mental, Allin the Mind is about the brain and behaviour,and the fascinating connections between them. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/ 2. The Social WorkPodcast Provides information on all things social work, includingdirect practice (both clinical and community organizing), research, policy,education... and everything in betweenhttp://socialworkpodcast.blogspot.com.au/ 3. Crikey is Australian forindependent journalism.There are two arms to Crikey: our website and Crikey Insider, a dailysubscription email service.
The website: The home of Crikey’s original content along with linksto stories from all corners of the web. Crikey editors are across thousands of onlinesources, from the most earnest to the most eclectic. If it’s interestingand newsworthy, chances are it’ll be on crikey.com.au.
Crikey Insider: Around lunchtime every weekday, Crikey Insider hits the inboxesof thousands of subscribers. This email edition of 25 or more originalstories is crammed with news, analysis, insider gossip, reviews andprescient tips about politics, media, business, the law, culture and nationaland international affairs. All CrikeyInsider articles are also posted on this website, but most ofthem are locked  —  you’ll need to register for a free trial or sign up for a subscription if you want to read them
http://www.crikey.com.au/ 4.TED Ideas worth spreadinghttp://www.ted.com/ 5.Psychology today http://www.psychologytoday.com/ 6. Rational emotivebehavior therapy (REBT), the pioneering form of cognitive behaviortherapy.http://www.rebt.org/public/about-us.html 7.beyondblue takes a public health approach,which focuses on improving the health of the whole population, across the wholelifespan. We tailor approacheswhen working with specific population groups, and we work in a range ofsettings – including educational settings, workplaces, health services andonline – in order to be accessible to as many people as possible.http://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 8.Economisthttp://www.economist.com/ 9. The Conversation is an independent source of news and views,sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to thepublic.
Our team of professional editorswork with university, CSIRO and research institute experts to unlock theirknowledge for use by the wider public.
Access to independent, high-quality,authenticated, explanatory journalism underpins a functioning democracy. Ouraim is to allow for better understanding of current affairs and complex issues.And hopefully allow for a better quality of public discourse and conversations.
10. Podsocs,the podcast for social workers on the run, brings you topics of interest for all human servicespractitioners, students and academics.
Podsocs is an initiative of theSchool of Human Services and Social
Work, Griffith University. We bring you up-to-the minute research, diverse andsometimes controversial perspectives on social
phenomena and focus on knowledge and skills needed
in the human services.

Janefate 发表于 2013-7-18 22:47:36


yat 发表于 2013-9-24 08:32:31

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