admin 发表于 2012-9-23 22:28:50

美国心理系的graduate students 对准备申请心理学Phd的建议

以下这个网站收集了美国心理系的graduate students 对准备申请心理学Phd的人的建议。 谢谢汤文洁 童鞋的分享

里面最多人提出的建议(30.7% )就是:Select your advisor carefully
1、你和你老板的关系甚于一切The advice I would and do give entering students is to give the greatest weight to the working relationship with their advisor, over the reputation of the program, funding available, the reputation of the program, funding available, and the mentor's reputation and productivity.All of these things matter little if your advisor is unavailable, uninterested, and unhelpful in facilitating your development as a scholar and professional in the field.

2、选择关心你前途发展的老板Also, try to find an advisor who will be concerned with your career -- one who will put you in contact with important people, and give you opportunities you couldn't develop on your own.

不过个人感觉这些信息对于第一次申请的人、尤其是本科生,既要考GT,又得准备申请材料,还得选校,这已经忙得头都大了。剩下用来对每个学校的导师认真的调查一遍   时间已经不多。而且,要这么细的了解到这个老板是不是人好、关心你,只能问他的学生,光看网站上介绍、他的论文都看不出来 。

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